
Useful naming conventions for pages

Page names are used in the headings, navigation links, and in the title bar of the browser.

Since the page names are not used as the URL for the page, you can give pages any names you like. Names can contain punctuation and spaces.

Where pages will be seen by visitors to the site, the names should, naturally, reflect the content of the pages.

Where pages contain objects used to hold and prepare structured content for display elsewhere on the site, specific care should be taken to use a naming convention that will help identify the pages: the names will often appear in administrative pick-lists without the context of the site tree to help identify their purpose.

Whilst there are no rules for naming conventions, the following has been shown to be effective:

Prefix the name with letters to identify the type of component, so Q for Query, SV fo Sale View. An exception is for Forms, which are clearer without a prefix (as the Form name is shown repeatedly in Queries).

For Queries, if the Query is to show a list of items, use a plural noun, and if the Query is intended to show just one item at a time, use a singluar noun. So in a product catalog, there might be "Q: Products" which is used to show a list of items, which links through to a page which shows a specific product, using "Q: Product" (The Form itself would be called simply "Product")



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