
How to identify the siteid of a site

Each site on a server is assigned a 'siteid' by the system. This number will no change during the life of the site, unless it is copied in which case the copy will be given a new number.

The siteid is tyically a six digit integer.

There are several ways to find the siteid for a site, but the easiest is to browse to a page on the site, and use the browser's "View Source" option to see the HTML source code. Browse to the very bottom of the source, where there is a comment line containing various fields. The ref is the siteid.


If you view the source for this page, you will see something similar to this as the final line:

<!-- Created: 20 June 2007 21:34:26; Build Time (ms): 1578; version: 2.0.6226; ref: 601583; --></html> 

The siteid in this case is 601583

The Site Manager also shows the siteids of child sites.

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