
Continuous improvement

Our release policy is to release a new version as soon as we have new functionality ready for production use. We don't  'save up' lots of changes and new features for a 'big' release. This way you get to use the latest software as soon as we have fully tested it, and it saves you from having to catch up with lots of changes at one time.

The release notes below highlight recent functional changes to the system. Other changes that don't affect the way you use the system (such as efficiency gains) are not normally noted, to keep the list as clear as possible. Updates are always backwards compatible with existing sites.

Find out how to upgrade here.

Showing items 121 - 140 of 540.

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1 August 2013
Expressions - date functions 
Date manipulation functions in query expressions
Build: 33329


1 August 2013
Theme Selector View Component 
Sets active theme.
Build: 33329


17 July 2013
Record Pagers 
Enhanced behavior for pagers - restricting when paging parameters are included in links, and ensuring invalid paging values return the 1st record rather than none
Build: 33259


17 July 2013
Tables / Data Entry Forms - ability to test for uniqueness of value by using <> criteria on query of record being edited's recordid
Build: 33259


1 July 2013
Ability to created calculated fields using expressions. Allows string and math calculations, and fields to be combined etc
Build: 23231


1 July 2013
Twitter API update 
Updated to use Twitter API 1.1
Build: 23231


5 June 2013
Query by Example - Regular Expressions 
Support for a Query by Example field to search against fields that contain Regular Expressions.
Build: 23077


30 May 2013
Enhanced Themes support 
Support for Themes on the Behaviour Editor / Settings / text fields (previously generally only available to Styles)
Build: 23055


23 May 2013
User Group Manager enhancements 
Separation of 'control' between usergroups into three roles: manage usergroup permissions, manage user details, and (new) allow impersonation.
Build: 23015


9 May 2013
Enhanced support for media serving 
Support for serving files of filetypes json, ogg, webm, m4v with appropriate mime types.
Build: 22956


9 May 2013
Shopping Cart - submit values to extra Tables 
Allows a customer to fill in custom fields as part of their Order that will be saved to a separate Table (linked via the orderid).
Build: 22956


9 May 2013
User Validation 
Option on User Group Manager to specify - per-usergroup - whether validation is required.
Build: 22956


9 May 2013
URL Parameter regular expressions 
This allows you to take a value from an URL and use it within a Data Entry Form or Sale View field
Build: 22956


9 May 2013
DirectURL View - regular expression support 
This capability allows a DirectURL View to consider only part of the requested URL when matching against the string in the DirectURL View's field (ie allowing trailing params etc to be ignored)
Build: 22956


25 March 2013
Sites - IP addresses 
Option to set a site to listen on 'all IP' addresses: useful for Amazon EC2 instances where the IP address may change.
Build: 22855


25 March 2013
Sale View - enhanced options 
Options to set default, min, max and increment quantities (enforced on the Sale View and in the Cart)
Build: 22855


4 March 2013
Login & registration system 
New email address validation system.
Build: 22745


28 January 2013
Field Validation 
Table / Data Entry Form / Cart - added option to allow field value validation, against fixed values, regular expressions, or values taken from query result-sets
Build: 22617


15 December 2012
Recurring events 
Options to set scheduled events to be triggered on a recurring schedule, and to manage scheduled actions
Build: 22356


31 October 2012
Login system 
Major upgrade to allow login forms to include fields from regular Tables, to allow Profile forms to be easily managed by users.
Build: 22274

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