
Configuring an External Lookup Data Feed to import an RSS feed

This example describes how to configure the system to read the RSS feed provided by a Wordpress blog.

1. Add a Table to the site, called, say, 'Blog'

Configure it with the following fields:

Field nameDatatype
DescriptionRich Text
ContentRich Text
UpdatedUpdated (read only)
Record IdRecord Id (read only)


2. Add an External Lookup Data Feed component to the site.

Configure it as follows (unless otherwise noted, leave all settings blank or at the defaults)

Request Urls

Add the url of the feed, eg

Perform lookup: always
Request type: GET
Response type: XML

Cache Table Field Mappings:

Table: [Blog]
Response record element XPath: [rss/channel/item]

Then Add the various fields


Table field: [Content]
Response Xpath (relative to record element): [content:encoded]


Table field: [Description]
Response Xpath (relative to record element): [description]


Table field: [Published]
Response Xpath (relative to record element): [pubDate]


Table field: [Title]
Response Xpath (relative to record element): [title]


Table field: [guid]
Include in cache control [x]
Response Xpath (relative to record element): [guid]

'Apply' changes

3. Go to the 'Test' tab and click 'Submit request'

You should see a summary of what happened, and the Table will be populated with the results.

To keep the Table synchronised:

Go to the External Lookup Data Feed's Behavior Editor, settings / Options / Scheduled lookup.

In the schedule Picker dialog, set it to:

Run task [Daily]
Time [choose a time a few minutes from now, GMT] *

On the Repeat tab
[x] Repeat
Every [10] Minutes – or however frequently you wish.

It will wait until this time, and then start repeating, so if you get the timing wrong it won't start until tomorrow.


To import a complete blog:

 Set the feed in your blog to include all postings, not just the last few.

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