This action logs in to the FTP server and uploads a file to it.

In the Source box, select the file/image field that contains the file to upload.
In the Destination box, provide the location and user credentials needed to login. These can be entered explicitly, or the values taken from a table field or query.
If you are using SFTP, you can choose to validate the server against a previously stored fingerprint. To do this check the checkbox and select the source of the fingerprint
To export a file you need to specify in which directory on the server the file should be placed. Leave blank if it is to be placed in the root dirctory.
Optionally provide a file name to be used to store the file on the FTP server. If left blank the current file name used locally will be used.
In the Diagnostics box, optionally select from the local table a Checkbox field for "Completed OK" and a Text field for "Feedback". The action will save values to these fields to indicate its success or failure, and the reason why.
This action will not be executed if the site is running in demo safe mode. |